Stream C UAV performed at Artillery Battalion Live-fire exercise to support Artillery Battalion soldiers that practiced shooting 155mm howitzers from multiple firing positions. Stream C UAV supported the Forward Observers training. The UAV system identified targets, adjusted fire and ran battle damage assessment after every successful fire mission.

Military UAV performance at the live-fire exercise
The performance of a military UAV highly depends on the sensor solutions. Stream C standard payload is Threods gyro-stabilized Orca gimbal. For instance, from 4km distance the UAV identifies the number of infantry sections in the trenches. Moreover, from 10 km distance detects the howitzer battery location and provides information on the formation. Stream C performed tactical over-watch of the entire area of the operation. The video live-streamed during the whole exercise providing critical intelligence on firing data and objective area.

Reality, discipline and precision
According to Captain Tanel Tatsi, battery commander of the Artillery Battalion, the exercise was very important for both soldiers and servicemen. “The keywords were reality, discipline and precision. During wartime, guns cannot stay in the same location after the fire mission, because of the possible enemy counter-battery fire. Good discipline helps maintain high safety standards while occupying new fire positions. Precision ensures desired effect on the targets,” said Captain Tanel Tatsi.
Stream C UAV empowers all tree keywords. First of all, reality supported by the live-video stream to portable remote video terminals in the hands of the troops in the field. The ground control stations support decision making on higher levels of command and define the conduct of the operation. Secondly, discipline is reached by persistent “eyes-in-the-sky” surveillance that ensures immediate evaluation and command. Thirdly and most importantly military UAVs main priority is defining targets and conducting damage assessment.

Nowadays, it has become clear that the success of a military operation depends on continuous data gathering and persistent real-time information flow. Air reconnaissance has become common practice either it is an exercise or a real military mission.